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SEO Migration Services

SEO Migration Services

The importance of SEO Migration Services in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) cannot be overemphasized in today’s ever-changing modern scene where a website is not only a showcase for a company but also its essential revenue generator. A well-optimized website can be the difference between success and failure in the online market. However, maintaining a high SEO ranking is not a static endeavor; rather, it is a dynamic process that requires constant attention and adaptation.

Enter SEO migration services, an essential part of maintaining a strong and significant online presence. Whether you are planning a website redesign, migrating to a new content management system (CMS), or changing your website address, SEO migration services are your guide to maintaining and increasing your search engine visibility.

This article goes deep into the world of SEO migration services, revealing their central importance, the common challenges they address, and the leading practices that can make or break your advanced move.

What are the factors of SEO Migration Services?

Depending on your goals, website migration services can address a variety of factors, including:

  • Changing the URL structure at the domain or subdomain level,
  • Moving from a top-level domain to a country-code top-level domain or vice versa,
  • Changing the architecture of your site by optimizing the page hierarchy,
  • Combine your domains,
  • Migrating from HTTP to HTTPS,
  • Migrating to a new framework or platform, for example from WordPress to Nuxt.js.

All the above aspects can only be achieved by thinking about SEO at every step.

What do website migration services require?

With SEO, site migration services include pre-provisioning of site migration, integration with ongoing processes, and looking after the results of under-executed site migration.
SEO Migration Services

SEO migration services include:

  • Technical Code Review – We will review your website’s code to make sure it’s running as fast as possible and doesn’t contain any SEO-damaging elements.
  • Content Audit – The removal of valuable content is one of the most common factors in declining search engine rankings. We decide which content should be retained and which should be excluded.
  • Analyzing URL Structure – A page’s value can be destroyed by a poorly crafted URL. We’ll make sure your URLs are optimized for the right keywords, as well as your organizer structure.
  • Internal Link Audit – The way you link from one page to another within your site’s content and navigation has a significant impact on rankings.
  • Sitemap / Robot Check – We will check your sitemap files and robots.txt file to ensure that Google can index your website properly.
  • 301 Redirect Plan – Proper 301 redirects are critical to the success of your SEO migration. This is one of the most important stages that we will do exactly.
  • Optimizing New Content – ​​If you are introducing new pages and new content to your website, it is essential to optimize that content.
  • SEO Suggestions – As SEO professionals, we have many SEO strategy ideas. We will share these with you and can help you implement the techniques over the coming months if needed.

How does Organic Digital help?

We’ll help you with all aspects of migrating your site, including:

  • Pre-migration review
  • Optimization of the newly launched website
  • Compilation of redirects to be implemented during the start of Support for real migration
  • Evaluation after migration

With years of experience migrating sites of all sizes, including modest brochures, e-commerce sites, and sites with hundreds of thousands of pages, I can help you migrate your sites with minimal disruption.

How does website migration affect SEO?

Website migration is one of the most complex SEO procedures. And the greater the complexity of this procedure, the higher the risk for your website. In contrast, migrations are often necessary to keep pace with ever-evolving technologies and security standards. If your website migration is not done correctly, your rankings and visibility can suffer for months.

Your current ranking is based on all the information Google has about your website. A small change can have consequences, and if that change is linked to every page in your domain, the results can be dire. To mitigate the risk as much as possible, it is necessary to cover all the bases, especially on the technical side.

How could the migration fail?

Some of the most common mistakes when starting a new website include:

  • Redirecting from old to new content when URLs have changed is not implemented.
  • Not allowing your new site or pages to be indexed
  • Not allowing your new site or pages to be indexed
  • Changing SEO emphasis on key websites or neglecting to optimize them.
  • Incorrect implementation of monitoring that prevents the ability to evaluate the success of the migration.
    How could the migration fail?

When a new site is launched, there will always be fluctuations in site performance as search engines need time to crawl and index the new structure/content; however, disruptions can be minimized with proper planning, execution, and analysis.

How could website migration affect it?

You might be wondering what could go wrong. Ultimately, this is just a website migration. Turns out things aren’t always a walk in the park.

What are the dangers then? The most common problems are caused by migrating developers who don’t have up-to-date SEO knowledge. Unfortunately, sometimes experts and professional webmasters don’t know that not understanding SEO terms can lead to many mistakes that cause serious problems on the site.


In conclusion, migration services are advocates of digital transformation. They ensure your online presence remains strong and visible through website redesigns, CMS updates, and process changes. Businesses can stay safe from these changes and maintain their SEO rankings and online success by following best practices and keeping their search engine algorithms updated.



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