HomeAll SEOSaaS Link Building - An Essential Guide

SaaS Link Building – An Essential Guide

SaaS Link Building – An Essential Guide

SaaS Link Building includes Link exchanges, competitor link reclamation, and guest posting

Building links has become essential for brands that offer software as a service SaaS. An effective link-building campaign can increase organic visibility. But, SaaS Link Building calls for a distinct strategy.

This article will discuss unique opportunities and problems and how they vary. I’ll also go down eight strategies that SaaS Link Building companies are currently doing.

This strategy will assist you in starting a productive SaaS Link Building effort.  You’ll be able to make your link-building efforts successful after following this.

Concepts Of SaaS Links Building

The goal of SaaS Link Building is to provide high-quality, educational content. The content consists of customer surveys, feature information, app data, and client studies. Bloggers and publishers are popular because they want to give readers better experiences.

There are many ways to build links, like exchanging links and promoting on social media. Guest posting is also effective.

Link Building’s Effect on SaaS Companies

Building backlinks increases a SaaS company’s organic accessibility. It includes keyword ranking, online authority, demo requests, leads, and revenues.

Backlinks with informative content will increase keyword exposure at the top and bottom of the funnel.

Let’s examine the example of SaaS Link Building with the SaaS company Toast. It includes link profile development, content marketing, and targeted SEO. It increased its traffic to over 600,000 visitors each month. This shows how crucial it is to focus on making links to helpful information.

Case Study Analyses

Toast serves various culinary establishments like restaurants, pubs, food trucks, and hotel eateries. It is an adaptive point of sale (POS) and management system.

Saas Link Building

Toast’s traffic and visibility are growing, although short-tail keywords have lower search volume. Its average monthly organic click-through rate as of June 2023 is over 600,000.

But, a lot of the terms that an expert in SEO might rank for have minimal search volume.

According to Google Keyword Planner, in June 2023, the top search for products was “POS system.” It had an average of 33,100 searches per month.

Thus, Toast would need to target a far wider range of keywords to meet its traffic growth targets. The Best by Links report shows that industry reports, blog posts, and statistical parts get the most links.

Several important revelations come from this analysis:

  • Building links over time can raise rankings.
  • Improving links to assets that link to them can enhance the rankings of other pages.
  • Looking at search engine data reveals that the link profiles of other pages can affect rankings. This can happen even if there are no direct links.
  • Research and statistical information generates more links per page than other genres.

Other types of business models can also experience this type of growth, but there are a few different ways.

Link Building In SaaS Vs. Other Industries

The Unique Aspects Of B2B SaaS Link Building

Advanced technologies and solutions connect these businesses. They can provide niche sites with technical and valuable material on different topics.

Typical website content may consist of:

  1. Competitor comparison pages.
  2. Integration pages.
  3. The Glossaries 
  4. Product Features Pages.

Long-form informational content may include:

  1. Position the case study to show the software.
  2. Research based on user base data and insights.
  3. Industry roundups can link content assets to direct rivals or influential figures.
  4. Case studies or analyses of the issues that users of your tool are resolving.

Particular Difficulties with B2B SaaS

Special Difficulties in B2B SaaS SaaS have several issues. they can impede the development of a strong link profile, particularly in B2B. Some important ones are:

It is challenging to create link-worthy content on technical or complex topics. To create content and establish links, topics usually need subject matter experts (SMEs).

It can be hard to find online forums and discussions about SaaS since they are for specific groups. To connect with others, make sure the subjects and outreach plan are relevant and focused.

When the niche size increases, the number of connecting opportunities decreases. Toast, a SaaS company, attracts many website topics by expanding its content subjects.

6 Adopted Link-Building Strategies for B2B SaaS

To connect with SaaS, do these steps: choose pages, make lists, contact them, and use templates. 

Contextualized Guest Posts

Guest blogging is when you create and share content on other people’s blogs or web pages. This tactic can help you become an expert in your field. It allows you to get good backlinks from trustworthy websites.

Finding these opportunities is the easiest of all techniques.

 A basic procedure is:

  • To locate a particular provider, use a search term on Google or a list-building tool you prefer. Type the keyword and add “in title: provider.” You can use “guest blogger,” “guest contributor,” or “write for us” instead of “contributor.”
  • Make a bulk list and upload it to the bath analysis tool on Find the most credible and pertinent viewers first by exporting the list and filtering it by DR.
  • Expand your bio to showcase your knowledge of the website’s specializations.
  • Look for any content gaps on the websites that are your targets.
  • Make a distinct proposal for an article using three themes.

Social Aids With Links

This technique promotes the best content to a specific group using remarketing audiences. The ad links aren’t valuable, sharing them with the audience can create valuable links.

This may consist of:

  • Remarketing via LinkedIn, Twitter, or Facebook.
  • niche advertisements on Reddit.
  • audiences that resemble the people who interact with your content the most.

Passive PR Team Members’ & Management 

Many people currently use SaaS to assist bloggers and journalists with expert answers.

PR has observed the emergence of new technologies, many of which seem the copy HARO. These are networks that are useful for conducting research and making proposals.

  • HARO: Help a Reporter Out.
  • #journorequest.
  • Terkel.
  • Quoted.
  • SourceBottle.

Competitor Mentions Links

One of the most rewarding SEO chores is stealing a competitor’s link profile, which is also easier to get.

To find competitor backlinks, search their articles on Google or check their backlink.

These are article categories that are searchable and will link to your material.

  • Alternative products: An article about “alternatives to” those of a competitor product
  • Listicles: Identify competing products that exclude yours.
  •  Only passing references to competitors in informative material

Resource Links

A resource page is a webpage that provides useful materials and links for a specific topic. There are many software listicles and resource articles for SaaS organizations. Traditional websites with a list of links still exist too.

You can find an example of a resource list article on HubSpot. If you find something valuable, you can get a valuable link without sharing any content. Contact the author or website for this.

Reciprocal/Link Sharing

In link building, websites agree to promote each other’s links on their websites.

However, some businesses also exchange links in a three-way fashion (A, B, and C) with three or more websites. This is how it operates:

  • Website A links to website B.
  • Website B links to website C.
  • And Website C links back to website A.

Remember that “excessive link exchange” is against Google’s policies about link spam.

Putting these strategies into action is the challenging part.

Run A Successful Campaign To Create Links

Consistency in Link Development

Maintaining consistency and a long-term focus is crucial. Implementing a longer period and a regular link-building strategy can increase visitor growth. This, in turn, can help a business page rank higher after creating a few links.

Tracking And Analyzing

Analyzing data may either end or develop a program. We can tell if the program did well or not by using the right indicators.

Among the metrics used to assess a program are:

  • Link count: Is it possible to get links from the campaign?  Verify the number of links that the campaign created. After the campaign ends, indirect links start showing up due to the promotions. Latent links will also appear.
  • Site quality: The key to quality is whether the site will rise in the search results.
  • Boost organic impressions: Track organic impressions using Google Search Console (GSC).
  • Small Ranking Improvements: Moving keywords from low-ranking listings to Google’s second page indicates that links are effective.
  • keyword rankings: If pages and keywords are in the same cluster of subjects but not targeted, their rating improves.
  • Target  URL head-term position: Are the primary keywords shifting to the top of page one?
  • Cluster Visibility Score: A site gets a score for how visible it is based on the rank of keywords. How many keywords are ranked throughout a topical keyword category or cluster?

Analytics-based Optimization

OKRs are a way for organizations to set ambitious goals with measurable outcomes. I like to use it for goal-setting. Two example OKRs for link building are as follows:

OKR 1:

SEO Goal 1: Develop a pilot program to show that it can create useful links for the right people and products.

Key Results:

  • Choose ten or more reputable, business-relevant websites to focus on obtaining backlinks from.
  • Make and release a single, excellent, linkable resource.
  • Get at least five backlinks from other domains to raise your topic’s relevancy.

Performance-based optimization:

Has the campaign acquired more than ten or more links? If not, test the pitch. Additionally, test the original creator and the audience’s relevance to the content. Using executives or the C-suite, the organization can test new writers.

OKR 2 

Our second SEO goal is to make the website more relevant to the upcoming launch. We want to focus on certain keywords and topics.

Key Results:

  • Write five pillar content pieces, such as how-to manuals, and guidelines, on the subject of X.
  • Get three to five links from X category niches.
  • 10% more organic visibility for the cluster of keywords X.

Performance-based optimizations:

Test how helpful the material is compared to top-ranked content for those keywords if visibility does not increase.


To create a successful link development program, study successful situations like Toast. Learn about SaaS Link Building in the space.

To grow your SaaS business online, try influencer marketing, guest blogging, and competitor link building.

To succeed in a link-building campaign, remember to be consistent, create content often, and build relationships.

Your SaaS business can expand when you combine data-driven optimization with efficient tracking and analysis.

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